As an adaptation of a Patricia Highsmith story, Rosa Aiello’s video The Coquette, 2018, promises to end with murder and without justice. The twenty-four-minute satire noir follows a doomed young woman who flirts with and eventually spurns a suitor in
an arc delivering us to the seemingly inevitable: Yvonne is brought to her demise by two resentful admirers, to whom the judge grants lenient to zero sentences (because they went to the same prep school—classic!). A backstory describes
how, at the age of ten, Yvonne lost her virginity to a thirty-year-old man; her mother still blames her for seducing and ruining him. Even so, in Aiello’s rendering, Yvonne is far from being an entirely sympathetic character.
Hiji Nam, "Critics' Picks", Art Forum, Online, 2019"
- Solo exhibition, ‘Seduction,’ Lodos Gallery, Mexico City, 9 May - 20 July 2019
- Solo screening, ‘Double Feature,’ Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt, 29 May 2019
- Solo exhibition,‘The Coquette/The Prude,’ Southern Alberta Art Gallery, Lethbridge, 8 Dec 2018 - Feb 2019